Today nothing really happened, but it is so peaceful and beautiful here. I like it so much sitting outside and painting my picture, watching one Truck passing once in one hour. People we have met till yet were so kind. Thanks to all people in Stephenson who have given my son the opportunity to stay here and feel at home. Thanks to the teacher at Stephenson Highschool who teaches my son like the local pupils and shows him what a good community could be. And of course I thank you Tina and your family for being Luiz hostfamily. It is wonderful to be your guest and see how you are living. We hope that we see you very soon in Berlin. You all are very lucky people to live in such a beatiful area.
1 comment:
Hi Chris-
My name is Kyla Grinsteiner. I found your painting in the Laundromat in Stephenson, MI. It just so happens that my own washing machine broke down. I had brought about 10 loads of laundry to the Laundromat to wash while I picked up my daughters from day care. Well, wouldn’t you know, that there were not enough washing machines working to accommodate all of my wash, so I had to do 2 more loads of wash after I picked up my girls. While the girls and I were waiting for the loads to finish (my dryer at home still works and I love to hang laundry on the line) I was looking at the bulletin board of postings. That’s when I noticed your painting. At first I thought, “What a strange place to leave a painting.” Then I noticed the web address on the side. It was then that I decided to take it down for a closer look. Honestly, for a moment it felt like a strange movie where the main character finds the beginning of a mystery that then unfolds. Ha Ha Ha! Very interesting art project I must say! I was going to get online last night, but I was side tracked. So here I am, submitting my photo with the painting and sending along my comments. . . thanks for making an uninteresting day at the Laundromat eventful!
Take care,
Kyla Grinsteiner
Wallace, MI
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